
Today was a stressful day. I now have tea in hand, relaxing music playing in the background, with the oil burner pumping out goodness into my senses. How do you cope with stress? People who suffer from stress have a higher likelihood of heart disease and heart attacks, among other negative effects on the body. Now, we don’t want that! Lifestyle choices play a much bigger part in whether we get ill than genetics do. We want to support our immune system throughout our everyday lives of work, play, looking after the kids, cooking, driving (wow, sounds exhausting just listing those)! And for those of us who aren’t well enough to do many of those things, that is stressful in itself. Relying on others for help can be stressful, and not being able to do what we once could. What can we do for ourselves today for 5-10 minutes to de-stress, to incorporate into our daily routine? Can you spare a few minutes when you wake up to centre yourself, to start the day off in a good headspace before life gets in the way? Sing in the shower, give yourself a little head massage. On the way to work, if you are on public transport, look out the window and enjoy the scenery. Stopped at traffic lights, do the same (but not for too long!). Breathe deeply when you feel stressed to slow the stress reaction – breathing properly is so important to many body functions. We don’t think about as we do it automatically but it’s simple and we can do it anywhere. For those of us who are at home a lot, I will talk about meditation in future blogs. Whatever you are doing, just think about ways you can simplify things to make them less stressful. Take some time for you every day, even 5 mins, to nuture you, that doesn’t cost anything, and lessen the risk of any nasties happening! Your nervous system, immune system, and other systems say thank you, and I say how’s the serenity:). xxNuture

Hello world!

Welcome! I’m here to share with you my ideas, and experience towards achieving a healthy body, and mind. I have lived with a chronic illness for 17 years, have explored many treatments, studied nutrition, wellness, psychology, and how our mind and body is intrinsically connected. I’m going to be writing about what has worked for me, or hasn’t, recipes that nourish the body, foods that heal, thoughts on mindset, ways to deal with stress, affirmations, our relationship with ourselves and others. So if you too are living with illness, injury or just want to be uplifted, supported, inspired, then please come on a journey with me to improve your health (mind, body, and soul) and look towards the future to a happy, fulfilling life, and living your dreams!P1030222